JLR faced severe congestion and parking issues as new graduates joined the workforce. With over 5,000 employees, parking space was insufficient, and congestion was rapidly increasing, causing frustration among employees. JLR needed a reliable and efficient transportation service to alleviate congestion, improve parking, and boost employee satisfaction. Seeking to address these challenges, they partnered with Zeelo to implement a comprehensive transportation solution.
Zeelo provided a tailored transportation solution, using our technology to map optimal routes and pickup locations within a 10-minute walk from employee addresses. The initial service launched with one route, eight pickup locations, and ten service times. Zeelo's platform enabled employees to book and manage travel via the app or web, ensuring direct delivery to the office. Within three months, daily ridership increased by 25%. As the service expanded, Zeelo added routes to accommodate over 2,000 weekly riders and introduced new services based on stop search data, ensuring the service met growing demand.
Zeelo significantly reduced congestion and parking issues, enhancing overall operational efficiency. By removing approximately 1,400 car journeys per day, the service eased local traffic and reduced environmental impact. After the initial launch, JLR expanded Zeelo's use for recruitment, retention, and growth to other worksites. Now supporting over 2,000 unique riders weekly and providing 30,000 rides per month, Zeelo's solution has shown substantial growth, positively impacting recruitment and retention. Employee satisfaction soared, with 99.1% of riders stating the service is crucial for their commute.